CORPORATE PERSONNEL                                                                                                    

ROBERT HUGHES / CEO                                                                                                   

Bob Hughes has worked in the construction industry since 1965.  He has worked in all facets of construction with small and large companies.  He was a Superintendent with Peter Kiewit & Sons for 8 years and a Superintendent with Kulchin-Condon/Condon-Johnson for 14 years.  Bob worked as an Operating Engineer from 1965 to 1977 and was a Field Superintendent from 1977 to 1999.  In 1999, Bob and his son Ted started Hughes Construction.  The honesty, strong work ethic and professionalism this company was founded on, has lead to its steady growth and a solid future.  In 2006 the company became a Corporation.

TED HUGHES  /  CFO                                                                  Mobile:  (707) 590-3562
OPERATING FOREMAN                                                             

Ted Hughes has been an Operating Engineer for 30+ years.  He has worked for several companies large to small and varying capacities, operator / foreman / superintendent.  The last 22 years of his experience has been primarily working with ABI equipment.  He is highly regarded by the ABI manufacturer and dealers, along with many contractors and owners, as one of the best operators of this highly specialized equipment.

TIM HUGHES / SECRETARY-DIRECTOR                                   Mobile:  (707) 590-3560

Tim Hughes has been in the construction trade unions for 30+ years and has 20 years experience as an Operating Foreman.  He has supervised the installation of many types of shoring and specialty foundation projects in Northern California.